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Entrepreneurship Tests
Are You Meant to Be An Entrepreneur?
I Put together this quiz to help you understand how well you would do, if you started a business, based on your answers to personality questions as well as questions about your life & interests.
I hope you will find this useful.
Do leave your feedback, questions and suggestion. I will be happy to take an action.

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Q: How much time can you dedicate to starting a business on a daily basis?

Less than 1 hour a day
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At least 1 hour a day
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More than 1 hour a day
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Q: How much effort do you put into projects that are meaningful to you?

Tons of effort!
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Minimal effort.
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Some effort, it depends.
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Q: Do you have creative ideas for your business?

Yes, I have a list!
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I have no ideas yet.
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I have some, maybe.
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Q: Can your ideas be turned into a business?

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Kind of.
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Q: Are you a patient person by nature?

No, I can't wait for anything
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Yes I am
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Sometimes, it depends.
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Q: How are your math skills?

I have great math skills.
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I am OK at Math.
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I am horrible at math.
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Q: Do you connect with people well?

Yes, I get along with most people
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No, I don't like spending time with people
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I get along with some people, but not with others.
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Q: Are you organized?

Yes. I am extremely organized.
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I'm averagely organized
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I have no organizational skills
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Q: How are your computer skills?

I'm okay with computer skills.
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I don't know anything about computers
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I'm experienced with computer skills and coding
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Do you know how to start a business?

Yes, I think so.
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No, never been at the running end of a business
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Sort Of.
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Your Result : You'd be successful at starting a business!

Your responses have been evaluated against the following -

Your Result : You'd be successful at starting a business!
You have the personality and interests needed in a successful business owner!
You are dedicated and put effort into everything you do.
You would put enough time into starting your business and also have the commitment, time and creativity to keep it running!
You have creative ideas that could be used in the business world.
You also have the organizational and people skills that will help you greatly in starting and running a business.
You have the basic knwoledge about how to start a business.
You have great potential to becoming a successful entrepeneur!👊
Go after your dreams! 🎉
Your Result : Not Yet, You need a mindset shift to become an entrepreneur

Your responses have been evaluated against the following -

Your Result : Not Yet, You need a mindset shift to become an entrepreneur
Your answers indicate that you don't have enough time, or the will to put effort into starting a new business.
You may also need to work on finding creative ideas and think about how to apply those to a practical scenario.
You may need to improve your people skills.
Your answers indicate a lack of organizational skills which could make handling a business difficult.
You need to get some basic knowledge about starting a business.
Educate yourself on this topic and become more invested to the idea of being an entrepreneur. Until then, don't attempt to start a business.
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