Top 10 Blogging Tips For Beginners

Top 10 Blogging Tips for Beginners

Beginning a blog can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. Many people have mixed feelings about starting a blog because they do not know where to start. But you do not have to waste time figuring it out yourself. Here are some blogging tips for beginners that can help you in this journey.

Brandloom is your one-stop shop for all your blogging needs, from content creation to promotion and brand awareness; it is a complete digital marketing agency in India. Imagine having a blog that gets you more readers and makes you an expert. So, whether you want to start or are already doing it, this must-read guide contains the top 10 blogging tips to help you get started!

Top 10 Blogging Tips for Beginners

1. Choose a Profitable Niche: Most Important Blogging Tip for a Beginner

Focus on a specific market if you want to make money with your blog. The term “niche” describes a narrow but distinct part of a larger market. Finding a niche that can generate income or interest from a dedicated audience requires identifying a topic or subject that people are interested in learning more about or buying related goods and services. 

The following are some blogging tips for selecting a lucrative niche, as well as some pitfalls to avoid when doing so:

  • Begin by considering areas in which you are both interested and knowledgeable. You could, for instance, carve out a fitness-related niche if you are a personal trainer with a strong interest in helping others get in shape.
  • Try to find markets that have a high demand. Use popular keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to find popular search terms for your possible niches. For instance, if “vegan recipes” are searched frequently, you could start a blog about plant-based cooking and living.
  • Passion is important, but so is profitability. Try affiliate marketing, sponsored content, digital products, or online courses. If you like personal finance and saving money, you could start a blog that gives financial advice and promotes relevant affiliate products and tools.
  • It is crucial to strike a balance. Too narrow a niche limits your audience and growth, while too broad a place makes it hard to establish authority and reach your target audience. For example, you could focus on “crate training for puppies” or “dog care and training tips” instead of “dog training.” For example, if you want to stand out from other travel blogs, you could focus on budget or adventure travel. 

This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

2. Select the Right Platform

Choosing the best blogging platform is an important first step in creating a successful blog. With so many possibilities, it is important to carefully consider your requirements and objectives. 

When deciding on a blogging service, it is important to keep in mind the following blogging tips:

2.1 Purpose and Goals

Clarify the purpose of your blog and define your goals. Are you starting a personal blog? Or are you starting a professional blog to attract clients? Understanding your goals will help you select a platform.

2.2 Ease of Use

Consider your technical skills and familiarity with blogging platforms. If you are a beginner, choose a platform with a simple interface and setup. Find platforms with a simple dashboard and easy customization.

2.3 Scalability and Flexibility

Consider how your blog could expand in the long run. Do you foresee the need for a membership area or online store on your website? Platforms with scalability and flexibility to meet your evolving needs are worth considering. This prevents you from moving your blog to a new platform as it grows. This is an essential blogging tip that you need to keep in mind.

2.4 SEO-Friendliness 

Organic blog traffic depends on SEO. Look for platforms with built-in SEO or easy search engine optimization. These blog SEO tips will help rank higher in search results and increase visibility. If you are looking for the best SEO services agency in India, get in touch with Team BrandLoom.

5. Mobile Responsiveness

In today’s mobile-driven world, your blog must be mobile-friendly. Check if the platform has responsive themes or templates. A mobile-responsive blog improves user experience and retention.

6. Cost and Budget

Think about your financial limits and the platform prices before making a decision. Some services provide a free tier, but it usually comes with restrictions. Consider whether the free plan meets your needs or if a paid plan would be better in the long run.

When it comes to choosing the right platform for your blog, it’s a decision that can shape your entire blogging journey. 

This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

Popular Platforms for Blogging

With so many options out there, let’s explore some popular platforms and get to know them a bit better:

1. WordPress: 

Good old WordPress! It is the global leader in blogging platforms. It powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. Impressive, right? WordPress’s 82 million monthly users benefit from the platform’s intuitive design, quick installation, and extensive library of free blog templates. And if you ever run into trouble, their forum is there to help you out, not to mention how your blog can be tailored to reflect your individuality and interests.

2. Blogger: 

Blogger is a great choice if you want to start a blog without much fuss. It is often compared to WordPress and hailed as a worthy successor. It is great for beginners because it is simple to use. If you want to share your thoughts and experiences without technicalities, try Blogger.

3. Tumblr: 

This one’s a little bit out of the ordinary. Tumblr is more than a simple blogging service; it offers a comprehensive social networking experience. It is a creative community where you can meet like-minded people. The beauty of Tumblr lies in its simplicity and ease of use. You can post photos, videos, and GIFs for visually appealing blogs. Tumblr is a great place to find motivation and connect, hosting over 496 million blogs.

You have got to follow each of these blogging tips to make sure you get the best results.

3. Choose a Memorable Domain:

When starting a blog, the domain name you select is a crucial first step. Your domain name should be memorable, easy to pronounce, and relevant to your niche. Here are a few crucial considerations:

3.1 Opt for a .com extension: 

While various domain extensions are available, such as .net, .org, and country-specific ones, like or .au, it’s generally recommended to go with a .com extension. Why? The most popular domain extension worldwide It will make your blog seem more professional and help readers remember your URL. According to HubSpot, 77% of consumers prefer to interact with brands using domain extension.

3.2 Keep it simple and easy to remember: 

Simple domain names are easy to remember. Avoid confusing words. Amazon, Google, and Facebook are examples. These names are short, catchy, and instantly recognizable. Aim for something similar that resonates with your audience and sticks in their minds.

3.3 Incorporate relevant keywords: 

If possible, try incorporating a relevant keyword related to your niche in your domain name. This can boost SEO and make it easier for niche-related searchers to find your blog. According to Moz, domain names with relevant keywords improve search engine rankings. For instance, for a food blog, include “food,” “recipes,” or “cooking” in your domain name.

3.4 Prioritize security with HTTPS: 

Website security is essential in today’s digital world. Your website should have an HTTPS security certificate. HTTPS encrypts visitor data, making browsing safe. HTTPS improves security, trust, and search engine rankings.

Imagine starting a travel blog about adventure destinations. Consider “” instead of “” This name includes the keyword “adventure” and may appeal to your target audience.

This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

4. Opt for Reliable Web Hosting:

Your blog’s performance and security depend on choosing a reliable web host. These are some successful blog tips that every blogger should follow.

Here’s why it is crucial and how to choose:

4.1 Avoid free hosting services: 

Free hosting services may seem appealing when starting, but they have limitations. Free hosting providers often have limited resources, slower loading speeds, and intrusive ads. As per the latest study by Google, 53% of mobile site visitors abandon a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. This highlights the significance of fast-loading websites in retaining visitors and reducing bounce rates. Free hosting services may lure you in with their initial offer but charge you later for essential features or upgrades. Using a paid hosting plan for a smooth blogging experience is best. 

4.2 Research and compare hosting providers: 

Before choosing a hosting provider, research and compare reviews, especially those recommended for WordPress. Find providers that balance price, performance, reliability, and customer service. Consider server uptime, data backup, security, scalability, and usability.

4.3 Consider your blog’s needs:

Choose a hosting plan based on your blog’s needs. Consider traffic, storage, bandwidth, and features or plugins. If your blog grows, choose a hosting provider with scalable plans.

4.4 Prioritize performance and security: 

User experience and SEO depend on website loading speed. Optimize your website’s speed with fast servers, content delivery networks (CDNs), and caching. Choose a hosting provider with firewalls, malware scanning, SSL certificates, and regular backups to secure your blog. 

This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

5. Backup Your Website:

Ensuring regular website backups is fundamental to saving you from potential disasters. 

Hosting Tribunal found that 60% of small businesses that lose significant data close within six months. This emphasizes the importance of backups for business survival.

Imagine spending hours creating valuable content, customizing your website, and building a loyal audience, only to lose it all to a hardware failure, server crash, or malicious attack. Restoring your site without a backup is difficult and time-consuming. Regular website backups reduce data loss and downtime.

Website backups protect your content, design, functionality, and customizations. A backup allows you to restore your website to a stable state if you run into problems updating themes and plugins or making major changes.

To effectively implement website backups, consider the following steps:

  • WordPress has many backup plugins. Find a reliable backup plugin for your needs. UpdraftPlus, BackWPup, and VaultPress are popular.
  • Automate your plugin’s backups. Your website’s data is automatically backed up. Choose a frequency that matches your update and content creation pace.
  • Use Google Drive, Amazon S3, Dropbox, or remote FTP servers to store your backups securely. These platforms protect data from server failure and hardware failure.
  • Restore your website from a backup to test the restoration process. This ensures your backups work, and you can recover your site if needed.

These are some tips for making a good blog. This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

6. Implement Google Analytics:

According to BuiltWith, Google Analytics is used by over 56% of all websites. This statistic emphasizes its popularity and widespread adoption among website owners and marketers.

Google Analytics has a wealth of data to track website performance and analyze visitors. You can track their visits, engagement, and actions. This data helps you identify popular topics, trends, and user preferences to better target your audience.

A study by Econsultancy revealed that companies using data-driven analytics are more than twice as likely to achieve higher conversion rates than those without. This demonstrates the power of leveraging data insights to drive business growth.

To implement Google Analytics effectively, follow these steps:

  • Set up a Google Analytics account: Create a Google Analytics account and tracking code.
  • Install the tracking code on your website: Add the tracking code to your website’s header or footer. This code lets Google Analytics track your website’s visitors.
  • Define goals and conversions: Choose blog goals like newsletter sign-ups, purchases, or form submissions. Track conversions in Google Analytics by setting goals.
  • Explore reports and insights: After setting up Google Analytics, Explore its reports and insights. Discover audience demographics, acquisition channels, behavior flow, and more. Use these insights to improve your content strategy, marketing, and website.

Brandloom is a digital marketing company in India that can help you manage Google Analytics. They can help you analyze data and make actionable recommendations to grow your blog.

By implementing Google Analytics, you comprehensively understand your audience, their preferences, and how your blog is performing. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions, optimize your content strategy, and enhance your online presence, ultimately driving the success of your blog. This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

7. Choose Trending Topics:

Trending blog topics attract readers and boost search engine rankings. Google favors fresh, relevant content. Trending topics align your blog with user interests and search queries. This improves SERP rankings and organic traffic.

Your blog aims to answer readers’ questions and solve their problems. Focusing on trending topics keeps your content relevant and appealing to your target audience. This establishes your blog as a go-to resource for up-to-date information and positions you as an industry authority.

Now, let’s explore effective strategies for choosing and incorporating trending topics:

Use Google Trends, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find niche keywords and trends. Look for high-volume, rising-interest keywords. This data helps you create content on popular topics.

Follow industry publications, blogs, and news outlets to keep up with industry trends. Monitor social media, forums, and communities for trending topics. Thus, you can quickly identify trends and create timely content.

Select trending topics that match your audience’s preferences, pain points, and interests. Consider their needs and questions. Your audience will return to your blog if you address their needs and provide insightful content on trending topics.

Evergreen and trending content should be balanced. Balance trend-focused and timeless content. This maintains a balanced blog and attracts new and returning visitors.

8. Develop a Content Strategy:

Building a successful and sustainable blog requires a solid content strategy. Here’s why a content strategy is important and how to implement it:

Blogging requires consistency. Content strategy schedules publishing so your audience knows when to expect new content. This builds trust and engages readers. Choose a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly publishing frequency you can maintain.

Tools like Yoast SEO optimize blog posts, Trello organizes content workflow, and Hootsuite schedules social media. 

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 69% of successful B2B marketers have a documented content strategy.

Imagine you run a fitness blog aimed at helping people live healthier lifestyles. Developing a content strategy for your blog could involve the following:

  • Setting a publishing schedule: Post a new blog post every Monday and Thursday to give readers a steady stream of content.
  • Creating an editorial calendar: Select the month’s nutrition, fitness, and mental health topics. This simplifies content creation and covers many relevant topics.
  • Task management: Break content creation into smaller tasks. Research fitness nutrition trends, outline your blog post’s key points, write the first draft, revise and edit, and format and optimize for publishing. 
  • Promotion plan: Share your blog posts on Instagram, Facebook, and a dedicated email newsletter, and collaborate with other fitness influencers to cross-promote.
  • Content management tools: Utilize tools like Google Trends to identify popular fitness topics, a keyword research tool to optimize your blog posts for search engines, and a social media scheduling tool to streamline your promotion efforts.

This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

9. Make Engaging Content: Blogging Tips for Beginners

Your blog’s success depends on engaging content. 

Understanding your readers’ needs, interests, and pain points is crucial to create engaging content. Surveys, social media, and blog comments can provide audience insights. This will help you create content that addresses their problems. Remember that such blogging tips are very important to help grow your blog.

For instance, if you run a parenting blog, audience research may reveal that your readers struggle to manage screen time for their kids. You can then write a practical article titled “5 Effective Strategies to Limit Screen Time for Kids.”

Pictures in blog posts enhance readership and make content more engaging. Add images, infographics, and videos to your writing. Visuals break up the text, simplify complex ideas, and grab readers’ attention. These are essential tips for writing a blog post.

SEO is crucial for blog discovery. Research keywords and naturally incorporate them into your content. Include keywords in your blog post’s title, headings, meta description, and image alt tags to improve SEO.

“Screen time rules” and “digital detox for kids” can make your parenting blog post about screen time stand out. This boosts SEO. This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

10. Promote Your Blog: Blogging Tips for Beginners

To increase traffic and exposure:

  • Promote your blog on platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Increase engagement with hashtags and captions.
  • Personalize your posts by sharing personal anecdotes, insights, or behind-the-scenes details related to the blog post.

Join online communities and forums relevant to your niche. Participate in discussions, offer insights, and share your blog posts. Community relationships can boost your credibility and reach.

If you run a fitness blog, join fitness-related Facebook groups or forums where people discuss their goals and challenges. Offer helpful advice, answer questions, and occasionally share blog posts with relevant fitness tips or workout routines. Remember all the basic tips for starting your own blog.

Collaboration with niche bloggers can be beneficial. Contact other bloggers for guest posts or collaborations. It also helps establish you as an authority in your field.

For example, if you have a food blog, you can collaborate with a popular recipe blogger by writing a guest post featuring one of your unique recipes on their blog. This exposes your content to their audience and drives traffic back to your blog.

Organic promotion is important, but paid advertising can boost blog visibility and growth. Facebook, Google, and Instagram Ads allow you to target demographics and interests relevant to your blog’s niche.

If you run a fashion blog, you can target Facebook ads to fashion enthusiasts, brands, and influencers. Advertising can boost blog traffic. This is among the most Important Blogging Tips for Beginners.

Conclusion: Blogging Tips for Beginners

Starting a blog may seem overwhelming initially, but you can take it to new heights with the right guidance. By choosing a profitable niche, selecting the right platform, and creating engaging content, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a successful blog. Remember to promote your blog effectively and monitor its performance using tools like Google Analytics. You can transform your blog into a valuable resource and build a loyal readership with perseverance and consistency. So, start implementing these expert blogging tips today and watch your blog thrive!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to start blogging if I am a beginner?

    There are certain blogging tips that everyone is not aware of. As a result, they do not get the results they deserve. Starting a blog is easy for beginners. The first step is picking a niche or topic you love to write about. This could be a hobby, industry, or interest.
    After picking a niche, choose a blogging platform. WordPress, Blogger, and Wix are free platforms. These platforms offer templates and tools to help non-designers create professional-looking blogs. 
    Create content after setting up your blog. Write some post ideas and create an editorial calendar to stay on track. Remember to write high-quality, informative, and valuable content that solves audience problems. This will help you become a niche expert and build a loyal readership.
    Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share your content and reach a wider audience. 
    Starting a blog is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas and connect with like-minded people. With a little effort and dedication, you can turn your blog into a successful platform for sharing your passion and expertise.

  2. What are some blogging tips to remember when creating a blog post?

    These are some blogging tips for beginners to remember when writing a blog. 
    Start with a strong headline: The headline is the first thing to grab the reader’s attention. So it’s essential to make it attention-grabbing and descriptive.
    Use subheadings and formatting: Break up your content into smaller, easy-to-digest chunks using subheadings and formatting such as bullet points and numbered lists.
    Use images and videos: Visual content can help break up text and make your post more engaging.
    Write with your audience in mind: Remember your target audience when writing your post. Your content should address their interests and needs.
    Be authentic and personal: Blogging is a unique medium, and your readers will appreciate the authenticity of your voice. Share your personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions.
    Proofread and edit: Before publishing your post, proofread and edit for grammar and spelling errors.
    Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords throughout your post, and include meta tags and descriptions. This will help the post to rank higher in search engine results.
    Promote your post: Share your post on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
    Respond to comments: Engage with your readers by responding to comments and feedback on your post.
    Keep it short and sweet: People have a short attention span, so try to keep your post concise and to the point.

  3. How can you earn from a blog?

    There are many ways to earn money from a blog. These blogging tips can come in handy when starting a new blog -.
    Advertising: One of the most common ways to monetize a blog is through advertising. You can use a platform such as Google AdSense to display ads automatically.
    Affiliate Marketing: Promoting other people’s products or services on your blog and earning a commission for any sales resulting from your referral.
    Sponsored posts: You can earn by writing posts promoting a brand or reviewing products.
    Selling e-books, courses, or other digital products: If you have expertise in a particular niche, you can create and sell e-books, systems, or other digital products to your audience.
    Selling physical products: You can sell merchandise through your website.
    Consulting or coaching services: If you have enough experience, you can provide consulting or coaching services to your readers.
    Subscriptions or memberships: You can offer exclusive content or perks to readers who pay for a subscription or membership.
    It’s important to note that earning money from a blog takes time and effort. Building a loyal readership and creating valuable content is the key to monetizing a blog.

  4. What is most crucial in blogging?

    The most crucial part of blogging is the overall quality of the posts. Make sure the quality of your content is good enough. Make it a point not to bore your readers with gibberish content. You will fail miserably if you try doing so. Branding or promoting is something that comes a lot later. But your posts should be good enough, naturally. It should have valuable information. It is not worth visiting if there is no value to it. 

  5. What are some of the blogging tips for increasing blog traffic?

    Certain blogging tips can help increase traffic to your blog. If you are a beginner blogger, you should follow these blogging tips that can help increase traffic to your blog. 
    Include keywords in your post titles and content for optimization.
    Share your blog on social media platforms and engage with your followers to increase visibility.
    Try guest posting to reach more audience. 
    Use internal linking to promote older content and increase visitors’ time on your site.
    Use a call-to-action in your posts to encourage visitors to take a specific action, such as subscribing to your email list.
    Collaborate with bloggers or influencers in your niche to reach a wider audience.
    Use images, videos, and infographics to make your content more engaging and shareable.
    Regularly update your blog with fresh and high-quality content to attract visitors.
    Optimize your blog’s load time to ensure a good user experience.
    Use analytics to track your traffic and understand which strategies are working and which aren’t.

  6. Does a blog need investment?

    It is not so that a blog would need significant investment. However, you must purchase a domain name and get a security certificate and hosting. This is one of the most basic blogging tips that you should follow. This is the minimum investment you need to make for your blog. So if you plan to start a blog, make it a point to find out what investment you are willing to make. Later, you can even hire a virtual assistant to post your articles or hire someone to write essays for you.

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